This is my latest painting- a 3 piece acrylic abstract painting in crimson-red and black, with white drip highlights. Controlling the 'drip' in the painting is not as easy as it may seem: you need the correct amount of viscosity within the paint, or the paint will not 'flow' or it may simply 'spread' wide, leaving a flat line.
Jackson Pollock did this well when he was alive. If you have a chance to see one of his works up close, by all means, do. It's awesome. What I'm doing here is similar, but different in several ways. Can you tell what they are? :)
i find this the best from your series with 3 piece acrylic abstracts ... really like it :)
Thanks so much for stopping by, ameros!
I'm glad that you like this one- it's easily one of my favorites, and it has that crimson-red that I love so much!
stumbled upon your painting...
kinda like it. some sort of an interaction between Pollock (my all time fav painter) and Rothko.
you should continue on this trail!...
Thank you for your comment p!
So many paths to choose from !! :)
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